Audrey was done with the trip at this point, so tired.

All the main roads and basically any road you take is surrounded by trees.
It was really chilly up in the mountains

This log in the picture above me was from a tree cut down in 1964 and was discovered to be 600 yrs old!! It was huge and to think that it was that old, just boggled my mind.

Sean all by himself

My Sister Kandra and her husband Mike and Us.

A Family Picture

My Sister Kandra and Me.

Mt. Rainier, it is about 14,000 feet above sea level, if not more and it is an active Volcano, covered with glaciers and is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. I actually learned a little geography, on my trip.

We went on a hike to this Waterfall in the picture up above and had such a fun time, it was so beautiful. Even though the skies our always overcast, when the sun comes out everything is so green and vibrant. But really the overcast weather made me a little tired sometimes, but being there for a few days got me used to it somewhat... It was sunny sometimes, so that made up for the overcast weather and the rain.

Audrey's Seal Pal, he was so much fun to watch.

Seattle City

Mommy and Audrey Being Silly.

Us on the cruise Ship

A Lion Fish

An Octopus

The awesome Jelly Fish

A Star Fish, so many little tentacles. It was kind of creepy.

Audrey was so happy to wake up from her nap to find this big aquarium in front of her with hundreds of fish.

The Seattle Aquarium had a scuba diver in the tank and the lady scuba diving was telling the children stories about the fish. It was really neat.
On our trip we were able to do so many things, because my sister lives in the area and knows all the fun stuff to do. We went to the Seattle aquarium and saw Jelly Fish, Octopus, Seals and Otters and a variety of fish. Audrey was in fish central and was having a blast, she even got to pet a star fish; which sort of freaked her out. Audrey also made friends with a seal and the big guy came and saw her three times right by the glass outside and would open his mouth and show its teeth, it was so cute. My favorite part of the aquarium was the Jelly Fish, I was so fascinated by there movement and just the way they floated through the water. It was really neat, because they were in this round glass thing that went in a circle above us and to the sides and beneath us, so really I could have sat there for hours just watching.
We went on a tour of Seattle on a small cruise ship around the bay which was about eight miles and it took us about an hour. It was so cold, but so worth it to see all the Seattle.
Also, we were able to visit Mt. Rainer which is actually an active Volcano, but it is covered by glaciers. It was absolutely breathtaking to see this place and all the nature surrounding it. I went with my sister Kandra and her husband Mike, so those are the other two people that you see in some of my photos. Sorry that I posted so many photos, but I just had to show you some of the neat stuff we were able to do. I would totally recommend Washington for a trip if anyone wants to go and have a fun adventure, like we did.