Monday, November 10, 2008

Fingerpainting and suckers

Megan thought it would be fun for Audrey that, instead of writing on the wall or chewing on crayons, she could do some finger painting.

This is the finished product. It really wasn't as much fingerpainting as it was slapping paint all over the place.
As you can see, she is quite proud of herself.

Then later on, Audrey somehow got ahold of a sucker that obviously wasn't for her and decided that her hair was hungry too. She wouldn't hold still long enough to get a decent picture so this is all you get.
And then I just have some random pictures that Megan took of Audrey and her cute hairstyle that Megan spends lots of time doing. It's amazing that she can get anything done with Audrey because she won't sit still for longer than a few seconds at a time. But somehow Megan can sit Audrey in the bathroom sink, give her MY toothbrush to suck on and brush the mirror with, and do her hair. You should see her hair once we pull out all the rubberbands and braids. It's even more amazing looking.

Oh, and Audrey would rather wear moms shoes than her own. Which usually means when she tries on one pair of mom's shoes, she has to try on the other 55 million pairs as well. There's pretty much no chance of organizing her shoes because of this, so there ends up being a mound 4 feet high of disorganized shoes on the floor of Megan's closet. KEEP THE DOOR SHUT MEGAN!


Anonymous said...

sweet pictures! She is such a cute girl.

Nicholas and Brittani said...

I am so glad you left a comment, because now I have a link to your blog. Audrey is getting so big! I cannot believe that so much time has gone by since we were neighbors. And you guys are still doing the same job right? Well, Audrey is beautiful, and I love your hair so blond megan!

Michelle said...

How cute! Audrey looks like she had a great time fingerpainting! I hope you were able to get the sucker out of her hair okay :)! I love her cute little hair-do. Colby has a little shoe fetish too!

Kariann said...

Oh my heck she is so cute!! Looks like quite the project of cleaning up the paint and getting the sucker out of her hair! :) Loved her cute hair and cute outfit to match, she is just adorable!!

Sean, Megan, Audrey, and Adam said...

Oh that was such a mess to clean up after Audrey finger painted. She totally loved it and I will probably let her do it again someday. As for the sucker, it came right out when I put her in the tub and got her hair wet it slipped right out. I am so glad Sean will do a blog, saves me time.

Alyssa said...

Oh man.. not a sucker! Hopefully it wasn't too stuck and tangled in her hair! And as for the hair style.. that is way cute! I hope I can be that stylish when I have a kid!

Jill said...

She is so cute! These are awsome pictures.

The Tracys said...

You do awesome hairdos Megan! I love the fingerpainting pictures. Sometimes you just have to let loose and let them have fun I guess. We did a fingerpainting on a canvas for Father's Day for James for his office, and it is so, so cute! Aren't little kids entertaining?

Kariann said...

We should totally have a girls night/reunion! That would be so fun!! We should do it before the end of the year! What do you think??

Steph said...

What a cutie!! What a fun age, it makes me so excited!! :)

The Garn's said...

Cute blog. I haven't figured out how to make mine cuter. I am pretty much an ameteur and thinking of not even having it anymore! But, I guess it is fun. Your little girl is SO darling, she really looks like your hubby.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

I love the hair and outfits...makes me want a girl!

Brook Parker said...

Aw looks like you had your hands full with the fingerpainting and the sucker :) She is getting so big since the last time I saw her! I love her hairstyle as well :)