Sunday, December 28, 2008

Have a Happy New Year!!!

I am so excited for the new year! Why? Because a bunch of my favorite T.V. series will be airing in January. I am a fan of Lost, Kyle XY and I am actually excited for 24 as well. Sometimes 24 can be a little to much for me, because it is can get very violent. But I watched 24 redemption with Sean tonight and it just got my adrenaline going to know what was going to happen next. I guess I'm hooked for now. Usually, we can just record our shows with DVR and watch them when Audrey is asleep, so that helps out. Anyways, that is all I am really looking forward to with the new year approaching. I usually don't make new years resolutions, because I never keep to the goals I make. But goodluck to the people that do have goals they are hoping to reach. I hope everyone has a happy new year!! I guess it is a little late to post anything about Christmas, but I can say we had a lot of fun and Audrey loved all the new toys she got.


Michelle said...

Happy New Year to you guys too!! :)

Kat said...

I too am looking forward to my own TV Series.....scrubs. I know, sometimes it can be a little crude. But it always cracks us up:) Glad you guys had a good Christmas! We need to see some recent pics of your baby girl and Christmas! I bet she was so dang cute!

Kariann said...

Glad you had a good Christmas!! I'm totally with you looking forward for something good to be on TV again!! :) We are 24 much as we didn't want to get hooked again, we did after redemption! Happy New Year to you guys!!

Morgan Werner said...

Oh man, I can't wait til Lost comes back! Sawyer is my lover. Don't tell Brett.