Thursday, October 14, 2010
5 years and still going strong
Sunday, September 26, 2010
similac recall
Friday, July 9, 2010
Funny stuff about the kids
Funny thing that Adam did about a week ago, he is playing with the phone and I noticed that someone was talking on the other side. I just hung it up. I noticed the number he had dialed was 9111111. After I hang up immediately someone calls back on caller I.D. it said it was the Layton Police. I answer the phone and they said that someone had dialed 911. She asked if we needed any help and if everything was okay, before I had a chance to speak. I told her that my son had been playing with the phone and that we were all just fine. She asked me my name. But she could at least chuckle with me about it when I said my baby had done it, but still how embarrassing. Now it is just a funny story and a reminder for me not to let him play with the phone. =)
Audrey in the past couple of weeks has been asking me where her tooth has gone and has actually gotten upset about it on occasion. I kept telling her that she had all her teeth and that she was not missing a tooth. The other day she was sitting in the sink in the bathroom looking at her teeth and I realized why she thought she was missing. She got all upset about it again and said the Dr. took my teeth I need it back. Come to find out she was upset about her gap in her front teeth and thought she was suppose to have a tooth there. Funny girl I just laughed at her and told her she just had a gap in her teeth and that she was fine. We are going to see the Toy Story 3 movie tonight, Yay for movie nights. Anyways, that is all of the funny stuff I can think of for now.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Las Vegas Trip
We went on a family trip to Las Vegas this past weekend! Now why would we go on a family trip there, because there is a lot to do for free really. I have never been to Las Vegas and we wanted to go on a short inexpensive trip and we were able to do just that. The first day we just drove and got into our hotel and drove down the strip and it was so awesome to see all the creative hotels and different buildings, quite a characteristic town. We stayed in the renaissance marriot hotel and got a great deal through priceline!! The next day was Friday so we went to the secret gardens and dolphin habitat and it was mine and Audrey's first time seeing some dolphins, so it was really neat for us. The trainers had the dolphins do a short show for us and it was so awesome to see these amazing creatures in action. We also got to go see some white tigers and lions that were there, along with some Llamas. The tigers were very intriguing and active for the day time, especially two white tiger cubs which were play fighting. I will post a video of that. After this we decided to go for a drive through the city, because both of our kids fell asleep. We ended up going to the Las Vegas Temple and walking around and taking pictures it is nice to know there is a place to go to feel more peace away from the mayhem of that city. The next day was Saturday and we decided to go to the outlets and go shopping which was a lot of fun!! That following night we went to walk around the strip at night and go see a few free things. We went to the M&M factory and that was a blast! It was so fun to see all the different things the M&M factory had to offer and we even saw the Red and Yellow M&M guys that you see in commercials. Audrey thought they were a hoot! Right next to that was the Coca-Cola factory and they had some really neat stuff there as well. Sean bought himself a shirt with a coca-cola bottle and in the middle of it said: Its all about the package. Yeah he thinks he is pretty humourous!! After that we walked over to the Fountains at the Bellagio and let me tell you how gorgeous it was to see those, I must say it is a must see when you go to Vegas!!
The next day was Sunday, so we decided to get away from the city and go to Hoover Dam. We thought since our GPS said it would only take about 45 minutes to get there that we would be there and back in about two to three hours. Well when we got there we sat in traffic for about an hour in a half just to go six miles to see Hoover Dam. Sean told me that Hoover Dam is considered one of the ten biggest engineering projects in the world and is really popular because of how big it is and how much electricity it generates out to the surrrounding areas. It was really neat to see and to think that before it was built all that was there was just a river.... We stayed and walked around for about an hour and then it took us about another hour to drive home, so it literally took us all day to do that and we were spent by the end of the night and ready to sleep. We went home the next day, but had planned on doing so much more. We wanted to go and see the pirate ship show and circus circus which is a free circus and go to museums and the light show that they have in the old downtown street of Las Vegas, but maybe another time. We enjoyed our trip and were happy to spend some time together as a family. I will say that it was amazing the difference between night and day in Las Vegas, literally night and day. During the day it is much more family friendly and a different atmosphere. At night there is a lot more commotion, crowds, ignorant people, but for the most part people were really good watching out for us with our kids strolling around with us. I saw one guy there that was dressed up as Jack Sparrow off of Pirates of the Carribean and that was pretty funny. The one thing I hated about Vegas is that at night there are guys that make a clapping noise and hand out prostitution cards to people with woman on them. Fortunately for us the men did not try to pass out the cards to us and at least had enough common sense that we were there on a family trip. I later learned though that it is illegal for them to pass it out to people that could be minors, so they have to be very careful and seeing that we have young children probably scared them away. I really really wanted to go see the Phantom of the Opera and a Magic Show that they had there, but it would have been to difficult to do those things with our kids. We hope to go back to see the Phantom of the Opera, I have been dying to see it for years. Anyways, thats how our trip went and we enjoyed it. Now to burn off all those calories I got from the road trip down and back. =) Hope you enjoy the pics!!! My computer will not be download anymore pics for some reason to this blog. Maybe it is to long. More pics to come. =)
Monday, March 1, 2010
My silly kids
Adam is now 6 months old and weighs in at 16lbs 7oz. He has only gained about a pound in the last two months, but I am not to worried because he is still a lion compared to what Audrey was as a baby. He is 30% of his height, 40% of his weight and 70% head. Adam's growth rate has slowed down, but he was sick on and off the past two months. He is developing quite well and is at where he should be at six months. He can sit up, eating solids, starting to say vowels like aaaaaa, blows bubbles, rolls from his tummy to his back, reaches and grabs for things really well, bares weight on his legs and is a smiley little guy. He really is such a happy baby it is so nice.
Audrey is still my spunky little girl who is growing up so fast. She loves playing pretend and likes playing puppies, horses, dolls and all sorts of cute stuff like that. She enjoys going to preschool and has developed quite a bit from that and she just started a tumbling class about a month ago and loves jumping on the tramps and into the pit and just running around period. She has so much energy, but is learning to channel it into her play instead of just running around in circles like when she was smaller.
Monday, February 22, 2010
On the road to recovery
Monday, February 15, 2010
One thing after the other..
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pictures of Adam's hive.
We took Adam to the doctor today and he confirmed to us that he did have an antibiotic allergic reaction and said he has it bad as it gets basically. I took pictures of it, but still he looks much worse in person. Adam was put on antibiotic about a week ago, because the doctor thought it might help clear up some of the congestion that he thought he had and gave it to him as a precaution. But after going to the Ears, nose and throat doctor we discovered that the noisy breathing he was having was from his laryngomalacia, moderate sized adnoids and some acid reflux. If you are wondering what laryngomalacia is, it explains it in the post two previous ones before this one. We kept Adam on his Antibiotic because once you start one you should finish it, but in his case we discontinued use of it. I am glad that his medical problems have only been minor, but the poor little guy has still had to deal with a lot in the past couple of weeks..... The pediatrician said that his hives will clear up in about a week, so we will probably be staying home. I'm sure if we go out in public people would be thinking he is contagious, or something of the sort. I am happy to say that Adam is breathing much better at night now that we turn him on his side and now that he is taking prevacid for the acid reflux.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
5 months old and our cute little three year old.
Laryngomalacia is best described as floppy tissue (epiglottis and arytenoid cartilages) above the vocal cords that falls into the airway when a child breaths in, so we think this is one of the causes of him not breathing very well at night. He does have a very minor case and the Dr. said he should grow out of it by the time he is 12 to 18 months of age. The ENT told us if we lay him on his side at night he should be able to breathe easier, because it opens Adam's airway more. He said that the worse position for him to be in at night is when he sleeps on his back, because the larynx will not open as much.
Well with the combination of the laryngomalcia, moderate sized adnoids, sleep apnea and most likely acid reflux he actually slept really well on his side last night and hardly made a peep. It is just unbelievable that is all it took! He is usually snoring, or gasping for air during his little episodes, or making some kind of noise. I still was up with him quite frequently last night, just to make sure he was still breathing because he was so quiet....... With Sleep apnea and Laryngomalacia he is at an increased risk for getting cyanosis at night(turning blue from not getting enough oxygen) but the dr. reassured us that he should be just fine. We feel like Adam should be just fine after all that has been going on.
Audrey just started preschool this last month and loves it!! We decided to put her into preschool because she was getting so bored at home. I can already tell that she has learned new skills and developed a ton from it. She has learned how to use scissors, but has not mastered cutting yet. Also, she is starting to trace letters and numbers a little bit and is still working on mastering that as well. Every time I usually pick her up she is so excited and tells me the things they have done at preschool and seems so happy about it all. Thanks, to her preschool teacher who is awesome and makes it so much fun for the kids! Thanks, Lori for referring us to the preschool we love it! Anyways, Audrey just started primary in at the beginning of January and loves to go in there and sing songs and is also the naughtiest one most of the time..... She just likes to run around, or jump up and down and not stay quiet. She is starting to be a little bit better, but I think she just has so much energy all of the time she can not contain herself. We love her though and she has made some progress in primary in the last month and just needs time to adjust to it.