Tonight, I just found out that the similac product we have been feeding Adam is a part of a huge recall and to make things worse he has been drinking this formula for over a week, or two. Apparently, their was beetle and possibly beetle larvea in the containers that had the formula in it. This is so gross!!!! Not only is this gross but it causes the babies that were drinking it gastrointestinal discomfort and among other symptoms. I've notice over the past week, or two that Adam has been extremely fussy and he has not been sleeping well and has been moaning/groaning nearly all night long. What would we do to comfort him, give him a bottle and change his diaper. I feel awful that I did not resolve this problem sooner. Adam has not had a huge appetite either and is just all around irratable. I know he is not teething, no teeth surfacing right now. I have officially taken him off of the formula and hope he will take to real milk better, since he is old enough now. I spoke with a representative from the similac hotline on the phone tonight about the container I had that is apparently infested/contaminated with beetles. She said that I should return it immediately and that the company will reimburse me once it has been received. I asked her about symptoms, or if it could cause a greater health risk. She said that it usually only causes gastrointestinal discomfort, fussiness, no sleep, loss of appetite and that it should clear up as soon as I take my baby boy off of it. Which I have already done. The thing that bothers me is what if his symptoms persist and what if it possibly causes a greater health risk to my boy. I may be overreacting, but I feel like them wanting me to return the product is to protect there hyneas from any lawsuits, because then they will have the evidence of the contaminated product. Especially if someone's child were to get some other illness, or disease from the beetle that was found in the formula. Why not, just tell us to throw it away. I guess it would defeat the purpose of the recall and reimbursement.... I called the doctor's office and the medical assistant told me that it should not be a problem, unless symptoms persist. As if they haven't been going on for the past two weeks I had told her!! Just wait it out, for a couple days she tells me. At this time I was fuming and still am a little disappointed with how the whole situation with the recall is being handled. Because the lady at the doctor office said it is probably some other virus. I read another story about a lady who had an infant on similac that had been throwing it up, and that the doctor's office said the baby was probably sick with something else. We concerned parents are just being pushed aside since this is such a big recall! 5 million cases of formula are being called back and similac is expected to lose 100 million dollars from the outcome. Why doesn't the company tell us what kind of beetle that was found in the formula and also, if it may carry some kind of disease us parents should know about. I am just a worried mother right now and for all you mothers out there you know that is what we do best when it comes to taking care of our children. I don't worry all the time, just not pleased with this recall at all. Anyways, if you read through this whole blog about the recall, bless your heart for listening to me rant and rave about it. I am sure other people feel just as frustrated though. ....
1 year ago
My friend just switched her baby to similac because she needs the sensitive kind & she can buy a big can of it at Costco for a ton cheaper in the grocery stores. She was telling me about the recall this weekend. That is really gross. I'd be worried/concerned too.
That is so sad..I am sorry you have been dealing with that! I dont blame you for feeling that way. I hope he gets better really soon so maybe things can get better. Sorry :(
Oh wow....I hadn't heard about it...I'm so sorry! That sounds so scary!
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