I woke up this morning and Adam was completely covered in hives. It was inside his ears, on his eyelids and even on his toes and among the rest of his body. It is a good thing he can not scratch himself yet, because I sure would be. I am assuming he is allergic to his antibiotic that he got put on a couple of days ago and is allergic to it like his mother and sister. Although, it has already started to disappear slightly since I took off his pajamas I am waiting to hear back from the dr. on how to help it disappear altogether.
Poor little guy. That sounds terrible. I hope he feels better soon.
Oh bummer! That lil man has had a rough go! Hopefully those rashes go away fast!
Poor little guy. Like you said thats good he cant scratch himself that could have been bad. I know quite a few people with a penicillin allergy seems pretty common. Im allergic to it as well. How come he was on antibiotics anyways? Well thats good to know he is allergic to it so you know not to give it to him again.
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