Sunday, May 10, 2009

Audrey's mothers day surprise

This mothers day I got reminded of what it is to be a mother and what we endure sometimes with our children. At about three o clock in the morning Audrey woke up and started crying, for some unknown reason. I walked into her room and the next thing I know she starts hurling everywhere...... and for about every fifteen to twenty minutes after that until about six thirty this morning she was still upchucking. Poor little Audrey finally fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up this morning asking for a drink. Sean thought it would be okay to give her some milk, but that was a big mistake and she had another outburst of up chucking again. Usually it is not good to give milk for up to 24 to 48 hours after a child has been sick like this and I think Sean forgot this detail since Audrey has not had a stomach virus for over a year. Sean had to run to the store and get her some pedialyte and she has kept that down so far today. I'm not sure what Audrey is sick with, but she does not have a fever so that is a good thing. I think it may have been something she ate last night, or she could have a little stomach virus.
Anyways, I think she has already started to recover from the illness she got last night and should be just fine. I'm so grateful to be a mother and be there for my child, even though it is not always easy at times. Sean helped out a great deal as well and I don't know how I would do things without him. He really is such a good Dad/Husband, so I'm glad we have Fathers day to celebrate soon. Thanks babe!
Here is a cute little something my nephew Connor said the other day. It went somewhere along these lines.
He was talking to his mom and said so if there is mother's day, when is Man's day?
Ha ha to cute!
Overall I have had a fine mothers day, even though the day has not gone as planned. It is good just to be able to stay home with my daughter and be a mother to her.
I hope everyone has had a good Mothers Day!!


Kariann said...

Poor little Audrey...poor mom!! :( Glad she is feeling better and glad you had a good mothers day even though it was a little rough!!

Michelle said...

I'm sorry about Audrey :( and that you were up all night. Happy Mother's Day! You have such a good attitude.

The DeGiulio's said...

Oh how sad, I hope she starts feeling better SOON! Hope you had a good Mothers Day.