I have 100 more days to go according to my babystrology ticker on the side of my blog, Plus a nice hot summer to endure. It still seems so far away, but it helps me to know I still have some time to prepare for baby Adam. We are actually going to be moving at the beginning of June into a townhouse, which we will only be renting. I am so excited though, because it will be such an upgrade from an apartment and it will be nice to have more space. Anyways, we are only moving about 5 miles away from where we are now, so it will not be to far away from everything. Another thing I forgot to mention is that I am going to be switching OBGYN's, because our health insurance has changed and cause my OBGYN stopped delivering a while ago, but I only found that out recently. Does anyone have any good recommendations, because I need to find one an OBGYN ASAP!
Update: We did find an OBGYN and the 100 day ticker was actually 9 days off. Our real official due date is August 30th. We had been told 3 different dates - one being August 21st of which an assistant had told us and of which the baby ticker was based off of, August 30th, which is based off of the LMP, and Sept 9th, which an ultrasound indicated... there... now no more confusion.
1 year ago
I LOVED my OBGYN, I went to Darren Housel at the Circle of Life.. He was super nice, funny, and cared about all of my situations, so I really liked him! 100 days, yay!! That'll come fast I'm sure :)
Thats so exciting, 100 days left. Thats really cool and exciting about the town house too.
I highly recommend circle of life as well. I have see Dr. Julia Johansson and Karen McBrige a nurse midwife both are way awesome.
Yay, only 99 days to go now! That's like 30 something days less than me :). That's exciting that you guys are moving into a townhouse. I'm going to the circle of life with this pregnancy and it is a really nice clinic! There's a great little playground area for the kids to play on while you wait and I've heard good things about all the doctors there. I go to Naisbitt and like him. I went to Dr. Hartman at McKay Dee with Colby and really liked him too! The only reason I switched was because Marie's insurance doesn't cover Hartman and we wanted to be able to go to our appointments together again. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and with finding a new OB!
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