I am so excited that this pregnancy has almost come to an end! I went to the doctor's today and found out that I am dialated to a two. Yay!! It is so nice to know that baby Adam is almost here. I am 37 weeks and 4 days along, so hopefully he will come any time now. According to the ultrasound Adam is doing well and has a strong heartbeat. He is weighing in at about 6lbs 5oz. My doctor says that he is gaining about a half a pound a week, so he will probably be a good seven pounder. I am still really nervous to have a second child, but knowing with time I will adjust helps keep me positive about it.
Wow, he'll be here so soon! Can't wait to see pictures of little Adam! Good luck with everything :)!
I'm so excited for you guys. Sounds like everything good you just have to wait
He will be here in no time at all. Good luck with everything!
Wow, how exciting! Having two is definitely and adjustment, but you guys are such good parents, you will do great! I can't wait to see what little Adam will look like! Good luck with everything!
Yeah!! I'm so excited for you guys! Let us know when the time comes!
I can't believe you're almost there! Good luck with everything. I hope everything goes smoothly for you! So exciting!!
Can't wait to see pictures of the new little guy! I just set our blog to private, so I need your email address if you want an invite. You can either leave me a comment or email me at amber.bowden@gamil.com
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