Friday, February 27, 2009


Well I'm sure you can all guess what that means we are expecting a second child. I am about 14 weeks pregnant and due August 21st. I am actually getting just a little belly, so I figure the people who don't know already will begin to figure it out. At this point I am almost done with the first trimester and I can't wait to get more energy like most pregnant woman do in the second trimester. This time around being pregnant has exhausted me mentally and physically more then it did the first time around. I had morning sickness worse with the first pregnancy, but I got to sleep whenever I wanted.. Having a child already changes that and the fatigue really just wears on me and is making it hard for me to want to do anything really.. I am trying to be excited about this pregnancy, but right now I am having a hard time facing it. I know pregnancy is not always easy, so I am trying to stay positive about it and life. But I admit that I am struggling right now and hope for a burst of energy and to be more happy soon.
Any guesses on what you think the gender of the baby will be? I think that it is going to be a boy. My reason is I feel it and I had a dream about having a baby boy and holding him in my arms and it felt so real. I know people think that having dreams don't always mean something, but with Audrey I felt from the very beginning she was a girl and 3 days before we had her ultrasound I had a dream and even saw that she was a little girl. Well I guess only an ultrasound will be able to give me the final results, so I will keep you posted.
Anyways, besides all that commotion we potty trained Audrey this last week within three-four days she was potty trained and I am so proud of her. The first two days were terrible, but the 3rd day it was like a light bulb clicked inside her head and she has been going ever since and is in little girl underwear. Hooray!! No more stinky diapers, until our next babe is born. Well we still put her in a diaper at night, but that is to prevent any accidents in case she goes in the night. Sometimes she actually will wake up in the night and let us know she needs to go potty. We have been trying on and off for the the last ten months to get her to go potty, so it is exciting that she has finally picked up on it.


The DeGiulio's said...

congrats, thats so exciting! when do you find out what you are having?

Lindsey said...

congrats you guys! i was wondering if you were from your facebook posts about being so tired :) i hope that you start feeling better though!

dcvalletta said...

Oh my gosh! Yeah! The last time we hung out you said you guys were going to wait a lil bit longer but you would've been pregnant around that time! I think it'll be a boy; Audrey will be such a cute big sister! So, she'll be almost 2 by the time you have it; you'll be a busy lil mom! Yeah, we need to hang out!

Morgan Werner said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you!

Suzanna said...

YAY!!!!! For both things! That's awesome that Audrey is potty trained!! And congrats on a baby! That's exciting!!

Michelle said...

Congrats! How exciting!! And congrats on the potty training thing too :)!

Meghan said...

That's so exciting Meg! Congrats! It'll be so fun for Audrey to have a sibling to play with! I know what you mean about being pregnant with #2. It's hard when you already have a kid you're trying to watch!

Kariann said...

Congratulations!! I"m so excited for you!! I hope you get a burst of energy soon too! I can't imagine how that feels and I'm sure it isn't easy!! Hang in there! I hope you have a boy, that would be so fun!! Let us know as soon as you find out!! :)

Kat said...

Yay! Congrats Meg! That's so exciting! And audrey will be the best big sister! I'm so jealous! Start posting the belly pics and logging your pregnancy! Can't wait! So jealous!

Alyssa said...

I was wondering when you were going to have another baby!! Congrats!! And as for being potty trained.. thats is awesome!! Everyone I know is trying to potty train and they have not had any luck at all!! So Im glad to see that someone is having luck! Cant wait to hear more about the belly! Congrats again!

The Tracys said...

Oh my heck! Congratulations! You have been so good at hiding it. I'm so happy for you guys! I hope you start to feel better. Having a two year old to keep up with wears you out enough as it is! That's so cool that Audrey is potty trained too!

The Sayamas said...

YAY! Congrats! That is so exciting!

Jordan and Tara said...

Congratulations!! That's so exciting. Seriously everyone I know right now is pregnant or just had a baby. I think it'll be a boy. We'll have to get together sometime to see your cute lil baby bump.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

I thought I left a comment on this post forever ago, but I guess not...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. It'll be so fun to have a little sibling for audrey.