I have a lot of catching up to do with this blogging. I have lots of updates about the kids coming soon and lots of pictures. We are now living in Connecticut!! Anyways, I just wanted to post something for my husband and kids. I love my family dearly!! I am glad that I have them in my life and cannot picture my life without them. I feel so blessed to have such a dedicated husband who is a hard worker, who loves me and understands me for who I am. Lately he gets me presents each holiday and without fail he will get me something from Victoria Secrets Online Catalog, which I think is super sweet. I really like there clothes and think it is even better that they come to me in the mail, so he can't go wrong there. The clothes are always a perfect fit too! It is just nice to know that he thinks of me and remembers how important it is to make me feel special as an individual. Thanks, babe I love you!!
My kids are doing great!! Audrey is still a very spirited young girl and is my little miss sass with spunk. She loves to play with barbies and horses. Lately, she has been interested in watching spiderman which is funny to me because she is such a little princess. She will be five in October and will start Pre-K at the elementary and attend school five days a week, for half the day. It will help prepare her for full day kindergarten the next year. For her fifth birthday she wants to learn to ride a horse, so it will be so fun to see because she loves horse a lot.
Adam is now 20 months old!! I can't believe he is nearly two and how much he is already acting like he is in his terrible two's. He really has such a sweet spirit to him and always gets a smile from anybody he sees. I don't know if it is his contagious smile, or his spiky mohawk hairstyle that gets more attention. He is starting to say lots of words like, hi, hello, bye bye, da da, me me for (mommy). He can also, says turtle, fish, shoes, car, ball, flower, tree and others I can't think of right now. It took him a while to really start speaking a lot, since he had constant ear infections and his hearing was muffled until he got tubes in his ears at the end of December along with his adnoids out. He has had a lot of health problems in the last few months, but has been such a trooper through it all. Just in March he had his tonsils removed and that was such a hard surgery for him to recover from. I love my little man and his cute personality.
As for me I am taking each day one at a time and trying to make it through the challenging times in my life. Connecticut definately has been an adventure so far, because of the all the trials we have been through as a family. I think it has been one of the toughest trials of my life with having a husband in school full time and dealing with a child who has had health problems, which has not given me much sleep at night. Also, being away from home and not having family around has been tough, because I miss them so much! I know I will make it through this and will grow from my trial. Sean has had a rough go as well and I hope he know how much I appreciate him dealing not only with his trials, but for helping me through mine. He is a such a strong person and helps me through the hard times in life. I only hope to do the same for him and be supportive like he has been for me. I love you hun, forever and for always. :)
Anyways, here is some pictures. Hope you enjoy. After this post I may blog about a lot of the past, so I can remember sweet things in life.
Wow! I really should have gone over my grammar. Lol. I was in a hurry and some of my blog was out of order, so bear with me. I am a little out of touch with how a blog works.
Your kids are soo adorable! I am glad that things are hopefully getting better for Adam! Good luck in Conn. I am sure it will get easier and it will be a nice adventure you can look back to in the future.
It was fun to read an update on your family. You need to blog more since you live in CT :) Those family pictures you had taken are so cute! I cant imagine how hard it is being away from family with Sean in school full time & poor little Adam. Hopefully you are making some friends & doing some fun things since you are out that way.
Your family photos turned out so good. You guys look great and the kids are adorable!
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