Adam is now about 4 in a half months old. He is such a calm and happy baby, which is the opposite of what Audrey was. She was always more fussy and more demanding, but sweet at the same time. I have always just considered her my high maintenance girl. Adam has started to hit some of those baby mile stones and it is so exciting. He can roll onto his sides now and from his tummy to his back and is working hard to go from back to tummy. He can sit up for a little while now and I think that is because he just sits on his own chub, but he is really strong as well. He can also stand for about thirty seconds to two minutes when leaning on something like the bath tub, or a table. I took him to his four month appointment the other day and he weighs 15lbs 5oz and is 60% of his weight. I can't remember exactly how tall he was , but he is about 75% for his height and for his head. I told the dr. that he still sleeps a lot, but the dr. said he was not surprised at the rate he is growing and that he is starting to do things a six month old is doing. That made me excited to know he is already reaching some of those mile stones early, because maybe he will walk and crawl sooner. I will post a video of him standing later.=) It is nice having a solid baby this time around, because Audrey was so scrawny compared to Adam and only weighed about 161bs 5oz when she was one, such a difference compared to her brother.