Time goes by so fast! Adam is now one month old and has grown rapidly. He fits into his zero-three month clothes now and I think he will be in three to six month clothes in no time. He loves to eat and always seems to be hungry!! He is also a great sleeper and that has been really nice when night time rolls around. I have to say that having a second baby is not as hard as I thought it would be and I love having one around. He is such a sweet little guy and even grins at us from time to time. Audrey has adjusted surprisingly well and loves to give her little brother kisses on his fore head, give him his blanket, or put his binkey in his mouth. She gets a little jealous sometimes when I am holding him, but gets over it fast. We try to give her lots of love and attention and play with her all the day long. One thing funny about Adam is he grunts a lot and I mean a lot, for no apparent reason. One thing sad about him is he has clogged tear ducts and his eyes are constantly watery and goopy. Which causes his eyelids to be stuck together and then he cannot open his eyes. I wipe his eyes with a warm wash cloth several times a day and that seems to help for a little while. Audrey had clogged tear ducts when she was a baby, but very mildly and it only lasted a few days. Hopefully Adam's tear ducts will clear up soon.... Besides that we are grateful to have a healthy little boy.Here are couple of pictures from yesterday. More pics to come! Enjoy!!
1 year ago