I'm not the type who likes any type of PDA nor am I one to freely express my affection (much to the dismay of Megan, who is the total opposite. I'm very lucky). But as my wife and kids still sleep after spending most of the night sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and just being miserable, I decided I would get out of my comfort zone.
Megan is one of a kind. When I met her, she was spunky and very cute. I was a fresh RM and didn't know how to act around girls, but she decided she wanted to be my friend, so I let her. Good choice. It didn't take long before she became my best friend and I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. We hadn't dated long and it really was a leap of faith deciding to marry her because of all the things I really didn't know about her and how our relationship would turn out, but I was stuck with the impression that if I didn't go after this one, I knew I would be looking back years from now thinking to myself how I could have possibly let such a beautiful and fun girl go. So I married her. I often get into conversations with other people who are my age and still dating that I wouldn't suggest doing what I did because of all the unknowns and you really should get to know a person better and for a longer period than I did, because it's scary and it's the rest of your life. I will admit that if I were to go back and do it all over again, I would have dated longer. The chances of divorce, separation, or having a very difficult and sometimes miserable marriage after having only dated for a short time is significantly increased. However, I lucked out. I will admit we've had some hard times. Our first year of marriage was fine, better than we had expected. Our second year was more difficult with having the stress of a new baby, no income, full-time school, etc. But since then, every single day of my life I love her more than I did the previous day. Including today. I could not have found a more perfect fit for me (I don't know if I can say the same thing about me for her). Not only is she gorgeous, a fantastic wife, a great mother (she gave me two really dang cute ones, by the way, as evidenced by the pictures), and fun, the thing that I love about her just as much as anything is that she lets me be me. She doesn't try to change me, she doesn't tell me I can't do the things that I love to do (going fishing, visiting my best friend in Sandy for an entire day to play basketball and just hang out... getting the "me" time, watching pretty much every Jazz and BYU game, and so on). I don't think I am as good at it as her. I try to let her go do things with other people while I watch the kids, but what surprises me is that most of the time, she would rather stay home and be with me. I love that. She loves me, adores me, and puts me first. I'm not sure a lot of guys are as lucky as me. She's all that I could have ever asked for. I love you, Megan. I just thought everyone else should know, for once, how I felt.